UCL - London's Global University

The right time, the right place

See what is being taught, when, where and by whom across UCL

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Try the new timetable

We've just launched a beta version of the new personal timetable. Give it a try!

Choose a timetable

The 2024/25 online timetable is subject to change during August due to ongoing space allocation amendments. Please treat this data as draft and check this page regularly. If you have any module clashes, please contact your department admin office. See the FAQ above.

See your personal timetable or find out when and where things are being taught by department or subject area, by degree programme or select modules and create a custom timetable.

What's in the timetable

  • Module teaching events
  • Non-modular events linked to degree programmes

Note: Teaching location is only visible to valid UCL users, once logged in

Your personal timetable

  • See your weekly timetable
  • Switch between week, year and term views at a click
  • Events updated as and when they change

Check the timetable regularly, there may be changes to rooms, days or times.


Modules appear in your timetable the day after you select them in Portico

Lecturers and teaching staff

Modules taught by multiple people may result in extra or missing events in your timetable

degree programme timetable

  • Select a degree programme and year of study
  • See the timetable for all the named compulsory and optional modules
  • Where group events appear, each student usually attends only one
  • Switch between week, year and term views at a click

Check the timetable regularly, there may be changes to rooms, days or times.

Some newer Undergraduate degrees may have a code ending '18'. Be sure to select the correct programme code.

**If the search box below doesn't work, press CTRL+F5
or clear the browser cache**

Custom timetable generator

  • Select modules to see what your timetable would look like
  • Use it to plan module choices to create a workable timetable
  • Choose whether to view the tutorials, labs and seminars or not
  • Switch between week, year and term views at a click

Check the timetable regularly, there may be changes to rooms, days or times.